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  • The Wachters' Blend of Sea Plants

The Wachters' Blend of Sea Plants

    The terms sea plants, marine algae and sea vegetation are almost synonymous with the name Wachter and the Wachter family of California. This statement is much less a demonstration of ego as it is a statement of fact. Experience in the research and application of sea vegetation and products to humans, animals, plants and soil encompasses a period of many years from the times of ancient Chinese and Egyptian physicians. Recently, various seaweed symposiums and gatherings of men of science interested in mariculture have stimulated clinical research. Since 1932, the Wachter family, led by its founder, Joseph V. Wachter, Sr., through Wachters' Organic Sea Products Corporation in South San Francisco, California, has endeavored not only to originate and continue systems of research in the field of marine algae in these various applications but has, through its Josephine E. Tilden Memorial Museum and Library, gathered the publications of the world involved in the studies and applications of sea vegetation and has initiated continual research accelerating into the 1980's. Research at the Corporation is conducted under the auspices and direction of Dr. Joseph V. and Dr. Earl A. Wachter. Much has been learned in recent years concerning various properties of sea vegetation that was not earlier recognized. Sea vegetation would almost seem to bee the perfect food for human consumption when we consider its various nutritional contents. As an example, green seaweed inn general contains a high cellulose and protein content forming large quantities of bulk in the natural weed helping to stimulate peristaltic movement of the large intestine to aid in proper elimination. High contents of carotene or Provitamin A have been found In brown and red sea plants. In The Wachters' Blend, species are dried with great care avoiding periods of rain which could cause a loss of nutritional content. Recent reports from our laboratories show a high content of Vitamin D naturally occurring in our blend resulting in the highest known concentration of Vitamin D in natural vegetable form that has yet been obtained from the blending of species of plants s. The B Complex is well represented in selected species of sea plants. In the testing of over 25 species of marine algae it was found that Vitamin B12 content was generally high. This high content was quite unexpected as it has previously been assumed that microorganisms such as bacteria and streptomyces produced the richest and most concentrated forms. Green algae is particularly high in Vitamin B12 content and it accumulates mainly in the cell walls. This is why Wachters' in its blend uses whole species of algae of different varieties, colors and families blending them together in their sun-dried form preserving the structure of the cellular wall. the importance of which is seen in its Vitamin B12 content. Folic acid activity is found in brown species of sea plants and research has shown that seasonal variations of folic and folinic acid activity is great. Thus it is that careful harvesting at the proper time is most important. Pantothenic is generally higher in green and red sea plants than it is in the brown sea plants, as kelp from the Southern California coast is commonly known. Niacin and Vitamin C are more potent in red and brown algae.

    A word should be said here concerning the difference between fresh water and sea water algae. Sea water algae is. of course, marine algae. This is what composes the Wachters' Blend of Sea Plants. The tremendously high content of alginic acid found in sea algae has been shown to chelate with Strontium 90 removing it from the digestive tract and bone marrow. The ash or mineral and trace mineral contact is also most important. A valuable source of protein, species of algae such as chlorella and spirulina contain only a range of between 9 and 11 percent ash or mineral content. Sea vegetation runs a minimum of 14 percent to a high of 44 percent with a mean average of approximately 33 to 38 percent. So it is that a good representation of minerals, vitamins, bulk forming factors and protective compounds such as alginic acid are very valuable components of sea plants and are found in abundance in The Wachters' Blend, It is sufficient to say that we at Wachters' are making a concerted effort to disseminate to the public the true value of the ocean's treasure chest of sea plants.

    Among the species that have been either used in the past or are presently being used in the Wachters' Blend of Sea Plants represented by the red, brown and green family of sea plants are: Sargassum, Arthrothamnus, Ecklonia, Laminaria, Chondrus, Rhodymenia, Alaria, Eisenia, Undaria and Porphyra.

    The species selected for inclusion in The Wachters' Blend of Sea Plants are specifically chosen for their mineral, trace mineral, vitamin, enzyme, protein, plant hormone, plant growth stimulator, plant cell regulator, plant cell stimulant and other microfood factors.

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