Check out the new cycle year and name calculator, & the 2001 Cartoon September 2002: Peter Doring (775) a local flight instructor based in Edmonton died while piloting a small twin engined plane. His name combination 775 is an accident prone vibration. July 14th, 2002: Assasination of President Jacques Chirac (born November 29, 1932, IP#1) failed today on France's Bastille Day. A man fired a shot from a rifle but missed the President. Chirac is in his 9 cycle year, and also in a 9 cycle month. A time of endings, his almost came just a short while after being reelected for his second term as President after an unusual election campaign. April 17th, 2002: Erika Greene (358 both names) just won close to US$60 million in a US based lottery. What's in a name? In her case it is a name that I have recommend to others for financial success. Order your Numerological Character Report to see what you are attracting: click here. March 20th, 2002: Today Stockwell Day ( 9 cycle month in his 2 cycle year) finally loses his battle to remain leader of the Canadian Alliance to Stephen Harper who received 55% of the votes caste. Stockwell was originally voted leader in his 9 cycle year, and it has been one of the shortest stints as leader of any Canadian political party. See other notes below. December 2001: The war against the Taliban in Afghanistan appears to be over. However Mullah Omar, the Taliban leader and Osama Bin Laden are nowhere to be found. December 2001: This is still a test year for the World and a test month. There is no sign of peace between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. And now the nuclear powers India and Pakistan are on the brink of war after the terrorist attack on the Indian Parliament in New Delhi. This is thought to be the work of Kashmiri extremists, that India accuses Pakistan of supporting. December 2001: Stockwell Day, leader of the Canadian Alliance party finally resigns, just a year into his term. He became leader last year in 2000 his 9 cycle year. December 7th, 2001: Peter Blake (775) is murdered trying to prevent a robbery attempt on his yacht by pirates at the mouth of the Amazon. He was winner of two America's Cup races and knighted by QE2. The 775 name vibration and especially the 5 expression number are particularly prone to life-threatening situations. October 11th, 2001: The US (in a 6 cycle year) and World (in a test or 4 cycle year) now face a new terror: Anthrax sent via mail to prominent members of the news media and government of the US. October 6th, 2001: The US attacks Afghanistan, the leadership of which has been supporting and has close ties with Islamic terrorist Osama Bin Laden, thought to be responsible for many terrorist attacks world wide. The US President George Bush (the second) has tried to build a coalition of countries to fight terrorism as opposed to fighting Arab or Islamic countries. There appears to be a lot of support (overt and covert) for Osama Bin Laden in Islamic countries with just lip service condemnation of his activities. The mood in Islamic countries appears to express the thought that the US deserves these attacks because of US foreign policy. Unless Islamic countries become more strident in their opposition to terrorism, this may become a war against Islam and the start of World War III. Sept 11th, 2001: Terror attacks on the USA (in a 6 cycle year in 2001), killing an estimated 6,000 people from 60 countries. Two planes fly into the World Trade Center (41/5) twin towers. One plane hits the Pentagon. Another apparently fails in its mission to hit the White House and crashes into the ground in Pennsylvania. Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban (the leaders of Afghanistan) are blamed. The world is in a 4 cycle year (test year) in 2001 as the note of March 18th, 2001 below indicates. All the major economies of the world have also been in a recession or almost in one. The terror attacks have only created more uncertainty and chaos economically around the world. The airline and travel industries have been particularly hard hit, putting tens if not hundreds of thousands out of work. Countries that rely on tourism especially from North America have been hit hard. See some unusual photos. An email
with quotes from Nostradamus has been circulating on the internet.
This appears to be a hoax. I have found no such reference in his book. Some other
Numerological influences are as follows: July 11th, 2001: His star shone bright for a while, but now his MP's are jumping ship. Stockwell Day can hardly keep his head above water, it won't be long until he is leader no more (of the Canadian Alliance, that is). See the July 8th note below. As many have done before him, he is crashing in his one cycle year after rising so rapidly in his 9 cycle year (last year 2000). March 18th, 2001: In case you haven't noticed, we may have a recession this year. There has been a lot of turbulance this year in the world economy (stock market crashes), politics (Israel and Palestinians, Indonesia), and weather (earthquakes and floods). It is a test year (4 cycle year) in 2001 for the World, so we need to rise above this turbulance, stick to fundamentals, and overcome bad habits that could pull us down. December 13th, 2000: After weeks of uncertainty, many court decisions, George W. Bush finally becomes President-Elect when Al Gore concedes. November 27th, 2000 Jean Chretien wins a third majority government for the Liberal party. Prime Minister Chretien is in his 6 cycle year and seven cycle month. Runner-up Stockwell Day fails to make any major breakthrough in Ontario. Leader of the Opposition Stockwell Day is in his 9 cycle year, a particularly difficult cycle for Canadian poititcians. November
7th, 2000: Too Close to Call! The 2000 US Presidential Election between
the current democratic VP Al Gore (born Mar 31, 1948, 1 cycle year in 2000)
and current Texas Governor George W. Bush (born July 6, 1946, 7 cycle year
in 2000). In a recent article for Mosaic Magazine I predicted that both major
candidates were in good cycles and I could not predict a clear winner. My
only comment was that Al Gore would have slightly increasing chances of success
in November and George W. Bush would have slightly less chance of success.
The result is still unknown (as of November 19th, 2000). October 6th, 2000: Marty McSorley found guilty of assault with a weapon, but given a suspended sentence. (See March 2000 below) Sept 28th, 2000. Pierre Elliott Trudeau (born Oct 18, 1919) died today 3pm ET. The former Prime Minister of Canada died of complications resulting from his Parkinson's Disease and prostate cancer. This is his test year (4 cycle year). Sept 2000. Lisa Anderson is killed by her ex-husband when she returns to her apartment at noon for a lunch break. Both Lisa and Lisa Anderson are 5 vibration names attracting instability and conflict. July 8 2000. In his 9 cycle year, Stockwell Day (336) becomes the first elected leader of the new Canadian Alliance Party (formerly the Reform Party), beating founder Preston Manning (358, 1 cycle year in 2000) in a run-off vote. Day was born August 16, 1950 (Inner Potential number 3, Water group). As Stockwell day is in his 9 cycle year, his star may never be quite so bright again. June 1 2000: Synchronicity - Serendipity - Coincidence? Last week I finished the on-line calculator that calculates number values of Koine Greek words and phrases (Greek Numerology - the system that is in the New Testament) including the number of the beast (the anti-christ) 666 and the name Jesus in Greek 888. I bought a new digital camera today in an 8 cycle hour, 8 cycle day, and 8 cycle month. The 8 cycle is good for making purchases and getting a good deal. In fact today the camera price was just reduced by $100. It was also the last camera that had 20MB of memory, all the others which were at the same price, only had 8MB. What did the total bill come to? $888! May 2000: What's in a name? Enrique Iglesias is the best-selling Latin recording artist in the world. His first two alums sold more than 10 million copies. His name totals to a successful 8 vibration. (VCT=178) Calculate his name or any other using our new on-line name calculator (and cycle year calculator). May 2000: Cirque Du Soleil - the most successful circus performing act! Now on an 81ft high IMAX screen. Vibration 448. March 2000: It looks like the 2000 US Presidential Election will be between the current democratic VP Al Gore (born Mar 31, 1948, 1 cycle year in 2000) and current Texas Governor George W. Bush (born July 6, 1946, 7 cycle year in 2000). They beat contenders Bill Bradley (2 cycle year in 2000) and John McCain (4 cycle year in 2000) respectively. March 2000: The Jon-Benet Ramsey murder case has still not been solved. The 6 year old girl was found strangled on Dec 26, 1996 by her parents in their home. Jon-Benet was born Aug 6, 1990; she was in a test month and a test year when she was killed. March 2000: Marty McSorley of the Boston Bruins has been charged with Assault With A Weapon, against an opposing hockey player, causing a concussion. Marty had said he only wanted to fight him - not hit him in the head with his stick! The name Marty is a 14/5 vibration and prone to uncontrolled physical aggression. Two months ago, a client was beaten by his landlord in Vancouver so badly, he lost an eye. The landlord's name was also a 14/5 vibration: he continued kicking his tenant in the head even while the tenant was crawling on his hands and knees trying to get back into his house and pleading for mercy. February 2000: Alberta's New Democrat leader Pam Barrett resigns after having an NDE (near-death experience) after an adverse reaction at the dentists.Pam was born Nov 26, 1953, her inner potential number is 1 (leader, pioneer) and she is in her test year (4), where weaknesses are exposed. Pam took over the leadership 4 years ago in her 9 cycle year. The 9 represents endings not beginnings, and usually leads to burn-out: Pam also had a six-week stress leave last year. The inner potential number 1 is a survivor, most would not have lasted this long. Former Prime Ministers John Turner and Canada's first woman Prime Minister Kim Campbell both became Prime Minister in their 9 cycle years and neither lasted as PM even a year. November 1999: Pokemon the movie is now out, and becomes the most popular cartoon ever released. Pokemon has already captured the imagination and pocketbooks of millions of card collecting children. The name Pokemon has the same vibration as Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, & Scrabble, three other extremely successful and popular games. Go to the key chart area on this site and find which number for yourself. Oct 31st 1999: Canadian Greg Moore dies in race car accident in the last race of the season. He was in a 5 cycle month with a 4 (test) modifier. This month as well as a 4 month with a 5 modifier are the most dangerous for travel. There is the tendency to rush or be impulsive when test conditions are prevailing. Oct 25th 1999: Payne Stewart, (born Jan 30, 1957) US Open Golf Champion, died when the Lear Jet he was in, crashed in a farmers field after a 4 hour flight with no one at the controls. His name is a '5' vibration and therefore accident prone. Oct 1999: Abdurrahman Wahid (aka Gus Dur) born Aug 4, 1940, becomes Indonesia's first democratically elected President. This is his 5 cycle year, although October is a 4 cycle month (test). His failing health may lead to the new Vice-President Megawati Sukarnoputri (born Jan 23 1947), daughter of Indonesia's first President Sukarno, becoming President in the next five years. She is in an 8 cycle year (rewards) this year. Sept 15th, 1999: The largest evacuation in US history takes place in anticipation of tropical storm 'Floyd'. The US is still in a 4 cycle year, its test year. 1999 Nelson Mandela resigns as President of South Africa. He is in a 9 cycle year and its a perfect time to retire. September 3rd, 1999: Canada's worst highway traffic accident occurred near Windsor, Ontario at 8am. 64 vehicles were involved and at least 7 dead. It is Canada's test month, but probably more important the accident occurred on Highway 401, often referred to as the 'Killer Highway'. '401' is a '5' vibration and more suitable for a race track not a public highway number. July 16th, 1999: John F.
Kennedy Jr, his wife, and her sister presumed dead. His plane apparently crashed
into the sea. JFK Jr born Nov 25 1960. 1999 was a 2 cycle year, and July was
his test month. March 29th, 1999: The DOW Jones Index closes above 10,000 for the first time. The US is in its test year (4 cycle), and this is not relative to major growth. This could indicate the potential for a major downturn, which many feel is long overdue. March 1999: OK you've heard enough about Monica Lewinsky (July 23 1973), but she is finally getting on with her life. She is now out of her test year (4 cycle year, last year 1998 when all the problems arose), and is now promoting her book etc to make some money to pay the millions of dollars in legal bills she incurred. Feb 1999: Although President Clinton was only the second President to be impeached, he was finally acquitted of both charges brought against him, February is his 8 cycle month, a reward month. President Clinton was originally elected in his 4 (test) cycle year in 1992, so although he remains very popular, his record as President is tarnished. Feb 7th, 1999: King Hussein of Jordan died today. The King was born November 14th 1935 (IP#7) and died in his 9 cycle year in his test (4 cycle) month. His son Abdullah, by a previous marriage is now King. November 14th, 1998: Michel Trudeau, son of former Primer Minister Pierre Trudeau, died in an avalanche while skiing in BC. He was born Oct 2, 1975 (Inner Potential number 7). His name is a '5' vibration (accident prone) and he was in a 4 cycle year (test) in 1998. November 1st, 1998: Lucien
Bouchard is in his 8 cycle year in 1998, when he called an election in Quebec
for November 30th. This still gives him an edge over Jean Charest, the Liberal
party leader, who is his 4 cycle year in 1998. Should Jean Charest win the election,
it would still indicate a less than auspicious term in office. Just as Bill
Clintons election in his 4 cycle year for his first term has resulted
in impeachment hearings for him because of the scandal with Monica Lewinsky
etc. In this case Jean Charest may do well to loose the election. Note: At the
time this article was written (one month before the election), both parties
were neck and neck in the polls.
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