Flanagan Microclusters

Exciting developments in nutritional science have opened up an entirely new realm of knowledge about human nutrition and the technology of delivering nutrients to the cells of the human body. Perfected by Drs. Patrick and Gael Crystal Flanagan, Microclusters® are combined with the most powerful SuperFood nutrients available on planet Earth to create a dynamic new class of nutritional supplements. Royal BodyCare formulas with Microclusters can not be compared with any other nutritional products. They are in a class of their own!

What are Flanagan Microclusters?

Flanagan Microclusters are powerful, tiny mineral clusters that energize virtually all nutrients with which they come into contact. These clusters act as microscopic transport vehicles, dramatically reducing the size of nutrients and delivering them directly into the cells. About 5 to 10 nanometers (billionth of a meter) in diameter, Microclusters are so small that 2.4 million of them can be placed side by side on the head of a pin. And, incredibly, they have an enormous surface area of about 240,000 square feet per ounce. Microclusters surround tiny nutrient particles with an electrically charged mineral coating which protects the nutrients until they are absorbed into the cells, usually quite rapidly.

How Flanagan Microclusters Work?

Flanagan Microclusters have a very high zeta potential (negative electrical charge) and are small enough to easily penetrate any cell membrane in the body. Zeta potential represents a basic law of nature. It plays a vital role in the health of all forms of plant and animal life. It is the force that maintains the discreteness of the trillions of circulating cells that nourish an organism. If zeta potential is low, toxins can not be suspended for elimination and nutrients can not be suspended for transportation to the cells. The whole system becomes clogged. Microclusters, with their high zeta potential, may increase the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of toxins by helping to maintain the proper polar attraction of negatively charged nutrients to the positively charged intracellular fluid. When these two electrical charges are in the appropriate balance, nutritional absorption and cellular metabolism are at optimum levels for maximum energy and an overall sense of well being.

Flanagan Microclusters and Hunza Water

There are at least five areas on Earth that have "special water" where people live to be 100 or more healthy years old. One such place is Hunza land, in the Karkorum Mountains just north of Pakistan. The cloudy water found in Hunza is full of natural colloids and minerals that are suspended by zeta potential. Colloids are tiny particles of matter that will suspend in water because of their electrical charge. This means they become an integral part of water. The discovery and study of these naturally occurring mineral clusters led the Flanagans to develop an exclusive 33-step manufacturing process to create Microclusters, thus bringing the life-supporting qualities of Hunza water to the rest of the world.

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