firstfood.JPG (19029 bytes) FirstFood

In the first 48 hours after giving birth, a mother produces a very special pre-milk fluid called colostrum. It contains substances that protect the infant from infection and disease, stimulate growth, and contribute to over fifty other health-supportive processes. Colostrum’s powerful ingredients have been shown to benefit people of all ages.


All mammals produce colostrum, however, bovine colostrum is the only animal form that can be utilized by humans. Dairy cows produce more colostrum than is needed by newborn calves and the excess can be processed for human consumption. Bovine colostrum actually contains more health supportive substances than human colostrum.

Immune Support

FirstFood contains a full range of immune supportive agents called immunoglobulins; including IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM. These antibodies naturally fight off bacteria, viruses, allergens and yeast. Pure colostrum has a 20-25% immunoglobulin content.

One of the most important ingredients in colostrum is the IgF-1 substance. This immunoglobulin has been studied for its ability to stimulate healing, promote muscle growth and aid in the production of immune cells. It also helps to stabilize blood sugar levels, similar to the function of insulin, and it can increase the burning of fat. This substance is particularly beneficial during times of fasting or dieting to ensure that the body is first burning fat stores instead of muscle protein. Bovine colostrum contains ten times more IgF-1 than human colostrum.

Immune factors contain anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agents to help reduce the pain, swelling and infection of external injuries. Colostrum can be mixed into a paste with water or Aloe Gelée and applied to any wound.

Colostrum for Children

Babies need IgF-1 to activate many basic metabolic processes during their rapid growth and their entry into the world outside the protective immunity of the mother’s womb. Infants, with their developing immune systems, are extremely vulnerable to infections. Many babies today are not breast fed even in the first few critical days. They have no source of colostrum unless given a supplement. Research shows that formula-fed children tend to have compromised immune and digestive systems. Colostrum can help restore these systems to optimum function. It is never too early or too late to introduce colostrum into the diet. Capsules may be easily opened and sprinkled into baby formula and later into the child’s food.

Colostrum for Adults

As we age, we produce fewer immune and growth factors, which are needed to heal tissue damage and fight disease. Colostrum can provide many of these important factors, often included in anti-aging programs. Unlike many complex proteins, colostrum is not reduced to individual amino acids in the stomach, due to natural digestive enzyme inhibitors. This permits colostrum to pass intact into the intestinal tract for absorption into the blood stream.

The benefits of colostrum include its ability to help restore health to the bowel by killing harmful bacteria and restoring beneficial bacteria to the intestinal lining. Many health professionals now believe that the majority of diseases begin in the bowel. Common intestinal disorders include leaky gut and irritable bowel syndrome. Research shows that colostrum can greatly benefit these conditions, and play a significant role in the overall improvement of our intestinal health.

Growth Factors

Colostrum provides a natural, whole-food source of growth hormones which are important for the reproduction of body tissue. The New England Journal of Medicine reported that the most effective anti-aging remedy is the addition of growth hormones to slow and possibly stop the aging process.

Transforming Growth Factors and Epithelial Growth Factors regenerate muscle, nerve, bone and cartilage. These hormones promote cell growth, tissue repair, and wound healing. They affect all the structural cells of the body, helping to increase protein synthesis, build lean muscle tissue, and burn fat for energy.

Other important components of FirstFood include:

  • Lactoferrin to improve the absorption of iron into the red blood cells. It also interferes with the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestine.
  • Proline-Rich Polypeptide (PRP) which serves as a regulator of the immune system. It works to stimulate under-activity or suppress over-activity of the immune system, which may help those with autoimmune diseases.
  • Leukocytes which are white blood cells capable of producing interferon to inhibit viral activity.
  • Hydrogen peroxide-producing enzymes to attack bacteria.
  • Lysozyme to help destroy unwanted bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Cytokines to stimulate and regulate immune response, communication between cells, and enhance immunity towards mutated cells.
  • Long chain sugars which keep bacteria from attaching to mucus membranes.
  • Orotic Acid to support red blood cell integrity.

Preparation and Safety of FirstFood

RBC’s pure colostrum is harvested from healthy cows at a state licensed, USDA inspected dairy. The colostrum is closely monitored and shown by laboratory testing to be free of bacteria, herbicides, pesticides, and antibiotics. It is collected in the first 24 hours after the birth of the cow’s second calf, when the highest concentrations of immune and growth factors are present. It is then frozen and sent to a licensed food processing facility for low heat processing. The powder is measured into vegetable capsules in a FDA registered manufacturing laboratory.

Colostrum can be safely consumed without side effects or drug interactions. It is safe for those with milk allergies and those with lactose intolerance. Some people notice blemishes, indigestion, or flu-like symptoms during the first few days on this supplement. This is simply a sign that your body is releasing toxins and these symptoms should disappear within a few days.

Colostrum with Flanagan Microclusters

To lower the specific gravity of the fluids mixed with colostrum and to increase absorption, RBC blends colostrum with Flanagan Microclusters, an exclusive RBC ingredient long-recognized for its ability to enhance assimilation and utilization of nutritional supplements.

Suggested Use: Take 3 capsules daily on an empty stomach, preferably 20 minutes before breakfast with a full glass of water.

Each capsule contains: Bovine Colostrum 480 mg, Flanagan Microclusters (silica, potash, magnesium sulfate), rice flour, magnesium stearate and a vegetable capsule.

Item #1750 90 capsules $33.00