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An International Presentation by Practitioners & Researchers
on Energy, Aura, & Kirlian Photography
May 1999
Friday 14th, Saturday 15th, Sunday 16th, Optional Workshop Monday 17th


But Audio & Video Tapes are now available of the presentations at LifeElectric99 even if you weren't there, as is the official Book of Speaker Presentations. The feedback we have been getting about LifeElectric99 has been fantastic; from the speakers, the exhibit booths, and the public attending. Some examples:

Wow! - This has been the best conference I have ever attended. - A perfect conference, perfectly organized. - After 3 days at the conference, I look 5 years younger and feel 10 years younger. - Just phenomenal, electrifying! It has opened up so many areas of my life, I don't know where to begin. Thank You. - This has been the only conference I have attended where there was no competition, everyone supported one another. Awesome weekend, the benefits of which will be felt for a long time to come. - Please get two lecture rooms next year, and longer speaking times. - I loved this conference! - I can't thank you enough for doing it. - I was not aware until this conference of the many things brought forth. - Powerful & exciting. - Which presentation was the most outstanding, simple they're all tops! - You should have these more often. Thank you for having the conference and thank you for organizing it in a very fine fashion.

If you missed LifeElectric99, and want to catch a glimpse of the energy around the whole event, then get the audio or video tapes above. There are special discounted prices for the complete set of Audio or Video tapes.
Listen to Dr Igor Kononenko's Presentation

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Agnnes Kraweck & Colin Maxwell invite you to our next conference:send us your email or other contact information and we will let you know about next year's conference in May or June 2000.

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Volunteers World Wide Directory of Researcher Practitioners

Objective: This presentation is for anyone involved or interested in Kirlian Photography, the human aura, bioenergetics, health, psychology, and emerging technologies.


Topics of discussion, demonstrations, and papers to be presented:

Presenters will be drawn from practitioners and researchers in over 40 countries.


Optional Workshop Monday May 17th.

Today's inspirational idea is the fuel for tomorrow's greatest success! To succeed as a leader today, it is imperative that you have a vision beyond what is. Take control, focus, tap into, and build on  the potential of every idea. Think quickly and accurately. Get original ideas to flow naturally and make better choices.

Our survival into the next millennium will require new vision and focused direction that will foster and nurture new ideas, and give new inspirational challenges in technologies for this transition.

Agnnes Kraweck PhD & Colin Maxwell BSc BA
Triune-Being Research Organization Ltd.
9549 107th Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5H 0T6
Phone: 780-421-4284 Fax: 780-425-8628
Please note  the new area code of 780
e-mail: triune@triune-being.com Web Site: www.triune-being.com
Please e-mail in English, Spanish, French, or German.

Design and Copyright by Colin Maxwell. All rights reserved.

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Everyone Welcome!
