The First Information Letter
Saint-Petersburg, Russia , 20th, 21st & 22nd June, 1998
International Scientific Conference
"Kirlionics, White Nights, 98 "
The Fourth Official Conference of the International Union of Scientific and Applied Bioelectrography
Federal Technical University "SPIFMO"
International Union of Scientific and Applied Bioelectrography
"Kirlionics Technologies International" Saint-Petersburg Medical Academy
Publishing House "Olga" 20th, 21st, 22nd, June 1998
Objectives of the Conference:
Exchange of ideas, achievements, techniques.
Discussion of new scientific concepts in biology, consciousness sciences, bioelectrography, Kirlionics.
President: Konstantin Korotkov, (Russia), Ph.D., Prof., Doctorant of the Technical University "SPIFMO", President of the "Kirlionics Technologies International"
Members: Matti Ollila (Finland), Ramesh S. Chouhan (India)
Marco Bischof (Germany)
Rosemary Steel (England)
Lisbeth Wigh (Danmark)
Albert Krashenjuk (Russia)
Working languages: English, Russian.
The Conference will be held in a beautiful forest place "Zelenogorsk" 40 minutes from the Saint-Petersburg's Center. All participants will be living and working in a Hotel situated near the Gulf of Finland. Great opportunity to see one of the most beautiful towns in the world in its best time þ White Nights, when it is no night at all. Sight-seeing Excursion around the town is included in the program. Safety is totally guaranteed.
Organisational Terms
Cost of participation is US $ 795, which includes:
Registration Fee;
Hotel Accommodation for 5 days; Discount price for extra days;
Three meals per day;
Opportunity to give a Lecture;
Participant's paper in the book "Kirlionics 98" in English;
Participation in all lectures, workshops, coffee and tea breaks.
Excursion around Saint-Petersburg.
Group Discount: five percent of the total sum (per person) for 5 persons.
Accompanying persons: US $ 500
After the Conference, there will be a 2-day Workshop :
"Applications of the CrownTV Complex for Practitioners."
The price of participation is US $150 (excluding price of accommodation).
All participants will have the opportunity to buy the "CrownTV"
complex with 10% discount.
Additional opportunities
Exhibition and sale of samples and goods, workshops and training;
Rent of automobile with driver;
Services of an interpreter;
Visits to St.-Petersburg theatres and museums;
Transport from Saint-Petersburg airport or from the railway station
Intending participants should present to the Organising Committee:
Registration Card.
Whenever possible, a photo or logo for publication.
Articles up to 10 pages, type-written in English and/or in Russian, (font 12, margins 25mm) + up to 4 pictures on separate sheets of the format 4, or photos not less than 10x14 cm.
The article should have an abstract in Russian and/or English, with full names of the authors.
The Organising Committee reserves the right to correct submitted materials and their translation without approval of the authors.
The Organising Committee will not bear responsiblity for misspelling the translation of surnames or terms if the correct translation is not given in the original authors' version. The number of co-authors is not limited.
Tel/Fax (7-812) 113 2312,
We are looking forward to meeting you in Saint-Petersburg for interesting scientific discussions and wonderful sightseeing in the Northern Capital of Russian Empire.
Surname: ________________________ First Name: __________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________
Phone:__________________ Fax: _________________ E-mail: ________________
Organisation: _________________________________________________________
female ____ male ___ Profession/Title _____________________________________
Scientific degree, rank, position __________________________________________
Main directions of activity ____________________________________________________________________________
Signature________________________________ Date ________________________